Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Lyrics Spotlight: Easy Money

“And all them fat cats they just think it's funny
I'm going on the town now looking for easy money”
- Easy Money, Wrecking Ball

There have been quite a few headlines over the past week about U.S. Chairman Ben Bernanke defending the Federal Reserve’s ‘easy money’ policy. Now I don’t bring this up in the hope of starting a political debate. In truth, I barely understand what he’s talking about. But I do know one thing, seeing the headlines immediately gets me humming Springsteen’s “Easy Money.” Sadly, there isn’t a YouTube mash-up video of Bernanke set to Springsteen’s tune yet and I doubt they play the song when he enters Congress. So in the meantime, we'll just have to draw our own connections in our head.

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