Friday, June 23, 2017

The 30 Day Song Challenge, Day 23

Day 23 is a piece of cake, since I'm already married, and, of course, had Springsteen songs played there.  But there is a story:

My wedding day was one of the happiest days of my life (duh), so of course "Rosalita" had to have been played.  Well, it was nearing the final 20 minutes of the wedding, before the venue would viciously give us the boot.  We hadn't heard a Bruce song on the dance floor in over an hour ("Dancing in the Dark"), and asked the DJ what his final few songs would be.  His choices were fine, but they weren't "end of the wedding" worthy.  So, we told him to scrap all that and immediately put on "Rosalita".  He did, and it was a highlight of the wedding.

What song do you want played at your wedding (or, if you are already married, what song was played)?

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