Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Song Spotlight - "Party Lights"

Keep that hype train chugging!  So, to date, we've got three major updates regarding The Ties That Bind.  First, there was the initial announcement, which cam along with the previously unreleased "Meet Me In The City",  That was followed by a clip of "Ramrod" from the Tempe concert.  Finally, it was announced Bruce would be playing on Saturday Night Live (and another live performance, this time of "The River", was also dropped).  Now, we've got another new track, "Party Lights".  Sounding a bit like someone took "Take 'Em As They Come", "Jackson Cage", "Janey Don't You Lose Heart", and "I Wanna Be With You" and smashed them all together, it's a very solid song (although I prefer "Meet Me In The City").  Either way, it's yet another nice treat to satisfy the Springsteen die-hards this holiday weekend, as they patiently await seeing the Ties That Bind documentary on HBO, Bruce on SNL, and, hopefully, any news about live dates.

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