Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Springsteen Lyrics of the Week - The Promised Land

Explode and tear this town apart
Take a knife and cut this pain from my heart
Find somebody itching for something to start

As it will become painfully obvious to anyone who reads this blog for more than two weeks, Darkness on the Edge of Town is my favorite Springsteen album. The best concert I've ever attended was one of the last concerts at Giants Stadium, where Bruce played the entirety of Darkness. From that concert, I picked up the habit of singing along to "The Promised Land" frequently. When the second line of the selected lyrics above is sang, I unknowingly begin to make a stabbing motion to my chest. You know, for emphasis of the knife-heart-cutting. Am I a nerd? Perhaps. But I encourage you to try it out when listening to this song. It is very exhilarating.

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