Monday, April 30, 2012

Springsteen Video of the Week - Gaslight Anthem's "Backstreets"

Back in 2009, released a series of videos called "Hanging Out On E Street".  The series contained a variety of lesser known artists discussing Bruce and covering his classics.  Unfortunately, the page was  taken down when they redesigned Bruce's site, but just type in "Hanging Out On E Street" into Youtube and you'll see a variety of fantastic videos.

The above video was my personal favorite, and it made me interested in seeking out more of Gaslight Anthem's music.  Gaslight Athem's popularity has steadily increased since 2008, and I think we can all credit Bruce's endorsement of them as the main reason (What other reason could there be?  Their catchy tunes? Hogwash.) The lesson for any musician is this: Bruce is a kingmaker.  You get in good with him, and you are set for life.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Bruce Going Acoustic!

Have I ever mentioned how much I love E Street Radio on SiriusXM?  One of the infinite reasons I do is because of their daily Bruce concerts.  One way Bruce has always been able to stay fresh is by constantly staying fresh and reinventing himself.  You can really see the evolution of Bruce as a performer when you listen to him.  And I really love when E Street Radio play shows from the Devils & Dust tour, as well as The Ghost Of Tom Joad tour, which opened my ears to so many acoustic versions of Springsteen songs that I’ve come to know and love.  This week I will be taking a look at my favorite songs that Bruce has redone acoustically. either by guitar or piano.  My only rule to make this list is that the songs must be Springsteen originals, no covers.  So without any further delay, my top 5:

Honorable mention goes to: Promised Land and Spirit In The Night .  They’re good but just missed the cut.  Definitely give them a chance though when you get a chance!

5.  Adam Raised A Cain-
I’m not really a fan of the original version.  I don’t hate it, but I usually skip it when it comes on my iPod.  But this version though is a lot more gritty, down and dirty.  I can totally get into it.  Bruce performed this on both The Ghost of Tom Joad and Devils & Dust tours.  Unfortunately that’s been the limit, and Bruce performs the regular electric version with The E Street Band today.  I wish he would switch it up and play this version instead.

4.  Born to Run -
Bruce performed this version pretty regularly on the Tunnel of Love tour, but I don‘t believe on either of the acoustic tours.  I absolutely prefer the full electric version, but there’s something special about this version.  Instead of being the loud anthem of escape and rebellion that we have all known it to be, this slower version makes the character in the song sound much less optimistic about the opportunities.  He still wants to get out and be on his own, but he’s not so sure it will be all that much better then his current situation.

3.  Darkness on the Edge of Town-
How do you take one of Bruce’s most powerful and passionate songs and make it even more so?   Strip away everything else, and leave Bruce alone with just a guitar.  Again, it’s not as good as the original but it’s just something different and  takes the song to a different place.  The climax of this song (“Cause tonight, I’ll be on that hill…”) just comes of so full of energy that I absolutely love.  Bruce played it regularly on both acoustic tours, and has occasionally busted it out at other performances.  “Darkness” is one of my favorite Bruce songs and I would love to hear any version of it when I see Bruce in concert.

2.  Be True-
I heard this song while listening to this concert was on E Street Radio and was floored.  I always thought “Be True” was a good song, but nothing great.  But this version was just beautiful.  I was so happy to see that YouTube had this as well.  To my knowledge, this is the only time Bruce performed “Be True” on a piano.  A few years ago, this song would have been heard only by those lucky enough to be at this concert and maybe a few others who were able to make copies of this recording.  Then it would have been lost forever.  Now through the magic of the internet anyone can listen to it anytime they want.  Thanks YouTube.

1.  Incident on 57th Street-
Are you surprised?  Well you shouldn’t be.  I’ve stated in previous posts that this is my favorite Springsteen song and this stripped down piano version was played a few times on The Rising tour, and only then, as far as I know.  The song seems so much more romantic and passionate played on the piano that I think I might prefer it to the original version.  But that can change at the drop of a hat.  You can’t go wrong with either one.

Well that’s it for this week  Join me next week when I will be counting down my favorite acoustic songs that Bruce has performed with the E Street Band!  Also, if you know of any great acoustic versions of Bruce songs please let us know!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lyrics of the Week- Atlantic City

“Well they blew up the chicken man in Philly last
night now they blew up his house too.
Down on the boardwalk they're getting ready
for a fight gonna see what them racket boys can do”- “Atlantic City”, Nebraska

“Atlantic City” has always been one of my favorite songs.  From the emotional studio version,  to the rocking electric version he plays with the E Street Band, and even the downright whacky version with the Sessions Band.  There’s something about this song that’s always kept it one of my favorites.  I even love covers of the song done by The Hold Steady and The Band.  You just can't go wrong with whatever version you pick.

But for the longest time I had no idea what those opening lyrics were about.  What was a chicken man?  And more importantly why would someone want to blow one up?  It wasn’t until I was in college that I finally figured it out.  I was a Criminal Justice major at Niagara University(Go Purple Eagles!) and took a class on notable cases of the 20th century.  And while learning about infamous Philly Mob Boss, Philip Testa, and his involvement in the poultry business.  When I went on to read more about him, and how he was killed in a bomb blast, that was ordered by his own underboss, I finally realized what Bruce was singing about!

The mafia references are prevalent throughout the song, and knowing now a little more about the Testa getting whacked, and the 4 year Philadelphia mafia-war that ensued because of it, have made the lyrics that much more meaningful.  Not only are there numerous mafia references, but references to death, and the consequences of decisions we make.  Something I’m sure Philip Testa would testify too, if he could.  Oh well, “Everything dies, that’s a fact.”

Monday, April 23, 2012

Video of the Week- Metallica talks Springsteen

As I stated in my introductory post about history of being a Bruce fan, in addition to being a Springsteen fanatic, I love hard rock/heavy metal music too. One of my favorite bands is Metallica, so you can imagine my excitement when I saw the title to this YouTube video.

I was hoping it might be a cover of a Springsteen song. Instead it is an interview with Metallica frontman James Hetfield. Hetfield disappoints me by saying that he isn't a Bruce fan but then gives one of the most honest and sincere compliments to the Boss that I have heard.

In less than a minute Hetfield perfectly summed up why I am such a big fan of Springsteen. Metallica is known for also having a strong connection to their fans and building their reputation for their incredible live shows, much like Bruce was able to in the mid 70's. Even though Hetfield says he isn't a huge Bruce fan he definitely shows Bruce the proper respect. And I can definitely say that Hetfield was 100% right when he said that Bruce can go on forever. Having just seen Bruce twice in the past month, have tickets to see him next week and again in September, I can personally testify that Bruce still "feels it". He can go on forever. Amen to that.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Lost Songs- "Lonely Night In The Park"

As I said when I did an entry on "Unsatisfied Heart" I pointed out the incredible fact that not only has Bruce released 17 studio albums, plus an additional 6 discs of unreleased material (4 discs on Tracks and 2 more on The Promise), countless B-Sides (remember those!?!?) , but there’s still songs that haven’t been released yet!  Incredible. This is a song that was left over from Born To Run and not only didn’t get put onto a later album, it didn’t even get put on the albums specifically made for leftover songs.  If not for YouTube, I probably would never even know this song exists.

This is a pretty catchy song that probably won’t knock your socks off at first, but don’t be surprised if you find yourself humming “lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely night”  later today.  I can’t say it’s so good that there’s any song on Born To Run should have been bumped for it, but I certainly would have like to have seen it on Tracks, and this song would definitely be welcomed to hear at a concert, but that seems incredibly unlikely.  Looks like this song will just be relegated to Legends Of Springsteen Lost Songs.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Springsteen Lyrics of the Week - Thunder Road

“Well I got this guitar and
I learned how to make it talk”
- Thunder Road, Born to Run

Compared to the majority of Springsteen devotees, it can be argued that I undervalue “Thunder Road.” My problem with it is the instrumental section that begins at 3:49 and concludes the song. Everytime I hear it, I can’t help but imagine it one day being played over a commercial for a crass Broadway adaptation of the Boss’ music (a la Movin’ Out).

But there’s no denying the evocative lyrics and the above are some of my favorites of all time. In Bruce Springsteen and Philosophy, Randall Auxier and Doug Anderson isolate these lyrics for the introduction of their fascinating collection of analytical essays on Bruce’s music through the lens of philosophy. I strongly recommend reading this book, if nothing else but for their introduction in which they explain how Bruce’s guitar talks rather than plays.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Springsteen Video of the Week - Prove It All Night

Your three blog editors have engaged in numerous friendly debates about the Boss.  One such conversation has always intrigued me: Say you had a time machine, and could go to any point in Springsteen's career to watch him perform.  Where would you go?  Would you want to see him in the early 70s, as he is just cutting his teeth in the South Jersey scene?  Perhaps the mid-80s, at the height of his popularity?  Or do you prefer Rising-era Bruce, with a full catalog of hits and a renewed energy?

Personally, I'd prefer to go to a late 70s show - post-Darkness and pre-River.  The above clip is from 1978, and shows Bruce at what I believe is his peak performance.  In addition, Bruce would have a solid collection of hits at the time that he wouldn't be burnt out on playing - you'd have a good chance of hearing "Jungleland" on any given night.  Furthermore, Bruce may give you a sneak peek at tracks he's working on, such as "The River" or "Out in the Street".  Finally, Bruce's popularity wasn't as overwhelming as it would become, so you'd be able to see him in smaller venues, with easier access to tickets.

So, what say you?  Let us know when you think Bruce was at his best in the comments.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Breaking News: Fall Tour Dates Announced

The moment we've all been waiting for has arrived. More US tour dates for the fall...

August 18 – Boston – Gillette Stadium
August 24 – Toronto – Rogers Centre
August 26 – Moncton, NB, Canada – Magnetic Hill
August 29 – Vernon, NY – Vernon Downs Raceway
September 2 – Philadelphia – Citizens Bank Park
September 7 – Chicago – Wrigley Field
September 14 – Washington – Nationals Park
September 19, 21, 22 – East Rutherford, NJ

As amazing as it is to see Bruce perform in an arena, there's nothing like an outdoor stadium. keeps crashing but check out the news on USA Today. Tickets look to go on sale next week, so prepare yourself for another Ticketmaster headache.

Ain't No One Can Fake It - Best of the Bruce Rip-Offs

When a musician breaks through, the money starts piling in.  And, as in any industry, once people start to see there is money to be made, they all start thinking "How can I get me a piece of that?"  So, they examine the successful musician, and see how they can replicate that formula.

This may sound cynical, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing.  For example, the success of The Beatles led to the "British Invasion", which paved the way for acts like The Rolling Stones and The Who to find their audiences.  As the saying goes, a rising tide floats all boats.  However, The Beatles phenomenon also created The Monkees, a campy cash grab assembled for the sole purpose of getting in on the scene.  

So, with the appropriate amount of respect a minor blog can offer these rich musicians, I'm going to take a look at some of the Springsteen-inspired knock-offs throughout the years.

John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band - Specifically, the above hit "On The Dark Side", which was written for the movie Eddie and the Cruisers.  Yes, the band is from New Jersey in the movie.  Yes, the band has a charming black saxophonist.   Yes, you are seeing the word "Spring" over Tom Berenger's head as he lip-syncs this song.  It is a catchy song, but clearly borrows a lot from "She's the One".

John Mellencamp - Before writing this entry, I tossed out the idea to the other Legends of Springsteen editors, to get their opinion on other artists who rip-off the Boss.  OB immediately responded, "Anything and everything John Mellencamp has said or done."  Fair enough.  Personally, I don't see him as a total Springsteen copycat, but rather as an exaggeration of one specific aspect of Springsteen's personality.  It is like someone took Springsteen and dialed up his working man roots to 11, and then removed the rest of the politics, anger, and sadness.  

Bon Jovi's "Joey" - Another suggestion from editor OB.  While a lot of people associate Bruce and Bon Jovi due to their Jersey roots, they don't really share many similarities artistically.  However, this song owes a lot to the Born to Run album, as the piano sounds like a mix between "Thunder Road" and "Jungleland". 

The Killer's Sam's Town album - More and more young artists are getting influenced by the Boss.  Springsteen's name has been frequently dropped in interviews with Brian Fallon of Gaslight Anthem and Win Butler of Arcade Fire.  However, there's a fine line between drawing inspiration from and going out of your way to mimic your heroes.  In the Killer's sophomore effort, Brandon Flowers did his best Bruce impersonation, telling stories about rivers and being wild.  I highly enjoy the album, but do often wonder what it would be like to hear the E Street Band play some of the songs.

Let us know what other artists you think owe a bit of their paychecks to the Boss in the comments!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Springsteen Lyrics of the Week - No Surrender

This week's lyrics of the week is written by James Layman, who originally made his mark on the blog with this excellent piece.  Take it away, James!

"Well, now young faces grow sad and old
And hearts of fire grow cold
We swore blood brothers against the wind
Now I'm ready to grow young again"
-No Surrender, Born in the U.S.A.

There is a particular ebb and flow to Bruce's work, especially present on Born in the U.S.A.  Youthful arrogance collides with cold gray reality, giving way to a type of stoic cynicism.  In turn, the cynicism collapses into desperation, and the hope to find a way back to a time when the affairs of American life were stronger and simpler.  Back to when we were mindless kids with fast cars and too much time to kill.

Whether we've grown up in New Jersey or Russia, we've all felt that way.  At heart, it's an inevitability.  We come of age shielded by naivety.  We are foolish and arrogant, but physically stronger and sharper than we've ever been.  So we charge forward with a sense of reckless abandon, blissfully oblivious to the fact that the world can hurt us.  And then it does.  Illusions of invincibility make for fragile structures.  There's a time when every river runs dry.  When the youthful electricity of a thousand first kisses fades to dust, and the hopes we took for granted clash with a more stark reality, lurking just beyond the horizon.  And everything that was so simple at seventeen is a thousand fragments of shattered glass.  We can look back at high school, and laugh at those delusions, breathing easy in the satisfaction that we "know better" now.  But there's part of us that will always want to go back to feeling that way.  To when we were stupid.  To when we could bound ceaselessly into the limitless beyond, with the false knowledge that nothing would stand in our way.  "No Surrender" is a song about reaching back down into that long abandoned part of oneself, and finding the fuel for one more mile.

So do it.  The road is open again, and the wind is at your back.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Concert Review - Madison Square Garden, NYC April 6

There’s an old joke that goes: “Sex is like pizza. When it’s good it’s great, but when it’s bad…it’s still pretty good.” The same goes for Bruce Springsteen concerts. After listening to the concert at the Apollo Theatre on Sirius XM, I was left feeling slightly under whelmed. Don’t get me wrong, Bruce sounded good, and I’m sure if I was there I would have had a blast. But I remember saying “that’s it?“ when the show ended. I just chalked it up to the fact that listening to Bruce on the radio isn’t the same as being there live. It was my own fault for setting my standards too high.

But prior to that my last Bruce concert was the final concert of Working On A Dream Tour on November 22nd, 2009 at The HSBC Arena in Buffalo, NY. That night Bruce played for 3 ½ hours. It was a stellar show, and quite frankly if that was the last Springsteen concert (as many had speculated it might be), it would have been a great end to his phenomenal career. The Apollo Theatre show couldn’t compare to that. But it was still a lot of fun to listen to.

Then on last Tuesday night I saw Bruce at the Izod Center. I think Steve's review was pretty accurate.  Again, it’s not that the show was bad, far from it. But I just left that show desiring something more. I was envious of some of the friends I was with, who were seeing Bruce for the first time. They raved about the setlist, Bruce’s incredible energy and just the overall performance. I remembered feeling that way, I had felt that way about almost every other Bruce concert I had been to.

But finally, last Friday I had, as U2 once so wonderfully put it, “found what I was looking for.” Seeing Bruce Springsteen, at New York’s famous Madison Square Garden, was incredible. Right from the beginning I knew this show would be different. Bruce opened the show with “Badlands” as opposed to every other show where he opened with “We Take Care of Our Own”. The first 3 songs he played at the Izod show and MSG show were exactly the same but just the little difference of changing the order he played them in made all the difference. And that’s when I realized what made Bruce the best live performer I’ve ever seen. He constantly is changing things up, evolving mid-tour(sometimes even mid-show) to make sure his concerts never gets stale. No 2 audiences are exactly alike, so no 2 audiences should get the exact same show. Bruce pulled out all the stops, with rare songs that I hadn’t heard live before, like "Lion's Den", and other rarities like "Murder, Inc." and "Lonesome Day".  And the night kept rocking with an incredible 20+ minute jamming version of “Kitty’s Back” that nearly blew the roof off of MSG.  Normally I'm not a huge fan of this song but Bruce was definitely feeling it that night and so was everyone else in "The World's Most Famous Arena."

I even contemplated going to see Bruce last night for his 2nd show at MSG but couldn't justify spending the prices that StubHub was charging.  But when I saw the setlist of that show I was kicking myself.  $300 for nosebleed seats is a lot, but not when he's busting out "Thundercrack" and "Rosalita" in the same show!  I'm kicking myself for missing that one.

I am anxiously awaiting May 2nd, to see Bruce at the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ. And if the rumors are true that Bruce will be doing a stadium tour towards the end of this summer and into the fall, you better believe I’ll be snatching up tickets to that. I suggest you do the same.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Springsteen Video of the Week: Chug-a-lug

No need to reiterate this point, but nobody knows what Bruce will do on stage.  And this simple aside during "Raise Your Hand" is classic Bruce.  He is handed what looks like a lukewarm stadium beer, half filled with backwash.  Of course, Bruce says "to hell with it" and chugs the rest.  After much investigation, the Legends of Springsteen editors can neither confirm nor deny the rumors that he went out and participated in a flip cup tournament after the show.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Top Ten Springsteen Road Trip Songs

Legends of Springsteen is excited to present a guest post from Mark Dowling, Springsteen fanatic and New York City-based improv performer and sketch writer.

Here’s a list of songs that are essential to any road trip playlist. They are broken up into two categories: Day Time and Night Time. The Day Time songs are the ones that you’re more likely to sing along with and get stares while stopped at a red light. The Night Time songs are the ones you kind of hum while your girlfriend sleeps in the passenger’s seat. It’s hard to pick just ten songs, which is why I cheat a little bit and double up.

Here’s the list!

Day Time

These are the songs that make you want to drive on a long stretch of highway on a sunny day with the windows rolled down and your sunglasses on.

1.Rosalita (The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle)
2.Tenth Avenue Freeze Out (Born to Run)
3.The Promised Land (Darkness On the Edge of Town)
4.Pink Cadillac (Tracks)
5.Waitin’ On a Sunny Day / Lonesome Day (The Rising)

Also worth mentioning: “Darlington County” and "The E Street Shuffle."

Night Time

These are the songs you listen to on the long drive back. You’re on a dark empty road and all you have to guide you are your headlights.
1.Thunder Road / Backstreets (Born to Run)
2.I’m On Fire (Born in the U.S.A.)
3.The River (The River)
4.Streets of Philadelphia (Philadelphia Soundtrack)
5.Racing In the Street (Darkness On the Edge of Town)

“Jungleland” is a great song (am I going against the grain?) but it’s an obvious choice. I almost included “Secret Garden” but couldn’t find a place for it.

To make sure all of these where accurate choices, I tested each one of them out behind the wheel of my 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Concert Review – Izod Center, NJ April 3 & 4

After two and half years, Bruce Springsteen and his legendary E Street Band returned home to New Jersey for back-to-back nights at the Izod center. I was lucky enough to make both shows. Admittedly, the first night left me slightly unfulfilled - my major complaint was it felt too contained for a Bruce Springsteen concert. I missed the spontaneity of the Magic and Working on a Dream tours. All such qualms were instantly eradicated on the second night when he unleashed the heart-stopping, pants-dropping spectacle he’s led us to demand.

I don’t mean to sound too harsh on the April 3 show. He's still the most electrifying entertainer I've ever seen and by all means it was yet another great performance. But I felt justified to see that Backstreets' reviews of the nights expressed similar concerns. Also, the first night's show was hampered by two external factors for me. The first was my quixotic hopes that he would play songs from The Promise. My desires were fueled by his debut of “The Promise” on Sunday night in DC and his intro speech and opening chords to "So Young and in Love" sounded like personal favorite "Ain't Good Enough For You" (I should note, "So Young and in Love" was fantastic in it's own right. Second was my anxiety about actually getting into the concert. Ticketmaster has always been pure evil but their paperless tickets are the work of the devil.

On the second night though, by all accounts Bruce came out swinging with “The Ties That Bind” third on the setlist. I've always loved that song and dreamed of seeing it live for the 2:56 moment when Bruce screeches the titular lyrics (a moment that the Legends of Springsteen editors refer to as the sound of Bruce crying).

Overall, the second night had more high-five moments (“Candy's Room”! “Johnny 99”!! “Ramrod”!!!) and the tour staples were performed at full tilt, too. Bruce also unveiled a video tribute to Clarence during “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out” that made the night all the more poignant.

That being said, the first night had it's share of notable moments not featured in the second night including the opportunity to hear “American Skin (41 Shots)” in-person and the new arrangement of “Land of Hope and Dreams.”

From the Wrecking Ball tracks, the band plays them all most impressively, my favorites being the subtle power of “Jack of All Trades” and the bombastic “Death to My Hometown” in which Bruce does an awesome march/dance that tops the borderline ridiculous histrionics of his guitar strumming during the Jimmy Fallon appearance.

My takeway from both nights - something I’ve always recognized but never so acutely before – was Bruce's conviction. Every word he says, every line he sings, every expression he pulls, every gesture he makes, and every bead he sweats is done with conviction. He truly believes in the power of rock n roll and he wants his audience to feel the same way.

I don't think in alone when I say that his emotion is infectious. In fact, I know I’m not from watching 20,000 people singing, cheering, and clapping in unison. I also suspect I’m not the only one who’ll admit that on several occasions, I found myself on the verge of tears from the overwhelming swell of emotion that Bruce Springsteen can elicit.

For videos from Tuesday night, head over to Blogness on the Edge of Town and check out the New York Times and Bergen Record for other reviews.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Springsteen Lyrics of the week- "Bishop Danced"

“Bishop danced with a thumbscrew woman
Did a double-quick back flip and slid across the floor
The Catholic traffic flowed freely 'cross the river
And fiddlestick fiddled quick out the front door
Oh baby dumpling, mama's in the back tree
If the bow breaks mama might fall
Little sad and only, baby don't be lonely
Mama knows 'rithmatic, knows how to take a fall”
- “Bishop Danced“, Tracks

As I once told Steve, my fellow blogger on here, “This song has the most nonsensical lyrics. Even by Bruce Standards!” Yes, while it’s true that Bruce is an incredible songwriter, whose lyrics have endeared to him to millions, they aren’t always the most coherent. I mean really, does anyone know what a “10th Avenue Freeze Out” is?

Don’t get me wrong, at times Bruce might be the best songwriter in the game. I am writing this entry after having just seen Bruce play a stellar concert at the Izod Center in my home state of New Jersey. In particular, an incredible version of “American Skin (41 Shots)” showed off his amazing song writing skills. But “Bishop Danced” is at the other end of the songwriting spectrum. The lyrics are almost so bad they’re good. It’s not just that verse, it’s the whole bloody song! I’ve read them a dozen times and looked for some sort of symbolism or deeper meaning, like Bob Dylan has done so well in his song writing, and Bruce has done in other songs. But I got nothing, this song is pure gibberish. But hey, it’s kinda catchy so kudos to Bruce for that one.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's Missing from the Wrecking Ball Setlists?

We’re technically a month into the Wrecking Ball tour and Bruce has been sticking very closely to the Wrecking Ball album track list. Only two songs have yet to make an appearance on the tour: “This Depression” and “You’ve Got It.”

I don’t think anyone would argue that either is a standout track that is sorely missed from the concerts, but both have their fans. Personally, I find “This Depression” to be a sweet song, if a minor one in the context of the entire album. And I’ve grown appreciation for “You’ve Got It” after reading a few reviews that accentuate the strength of its straightforward love song qualities.

It will be interesting to see if either song appears during the tour or if Bruce has immediately discarded them from his live catalogue. Are there any fans out there clamoring for either one to be played live?

Here at the blog, we’re all very excited for our first Wrecking Ball show tonight and Bruce’s New Jersey homecoming at the Izod center. For those who haven’t been able to make it to a concert yet, Blogness on the Edge of Town offers an amazing collection of videos from the tour.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Springsteen Video of the Week: American Skin (41 Shots)

I can’t say it’s a good thing that Bruce performed “American Skin (41 Shots)” last week in Tampa given the tragedy that first inspired the song and the recent tragedy of Trayvon Martin that compelled him to reprise the song. However, it’s a stunningly powerful song. “American Skin (41 Shots)” is at once an explicit eulogy for Amadou Diallo and also unfortunately, as proven last week, a timeless meditation on American society.

Live in New York City Version: