Monday, September 17, 2012

Springsteen Video of the Week - MLB 2012 Postseason Commercial a commercial?  Is this new ground?  Frankly, I'm uncomfortable with this move.  While it can introduce more people to Springsteen's music, he's already extremely well known, and young people hate baseball anyway.  As an avid viewer of TNT's basketball coverage, I know that the TNT/TBS networks have zero qualms about replaying the same commercials over and over again until you become physically repulsed at the opening notes.  This video is also dripping in America-sauce, once again trying to turn another one of Springsteen's songs into a patriotic anthem (and conveniently leaving out the greatest line of the song involving whores and gamblers).  But, with Bruce on tour and a presidential election around the corner, you had to figure he would not shy away from staying front-and-center and grabbing people's attention.

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