Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hanging Out on E Street - Valentine's Day Edition

A few weeks ago I managed to get on E Street Radio as a listener call-in. I hadn't dialed into a radio station in at least 15 years and I'd forgotten what an ordeal it is. After hours of incurring busy signals, I finally made it through and got my opportunity to dedicate a song. In this day and age, dialing into a radio station is a funny thing. When you can hear virtually any song you want at any moment you like through YouTube, iTunes or other Internet-based properties, the thought of calling into a radio station to request a song seems antiquated and frankly, perverse. But of course, E Street Radio isn't just any radio station. And the opportunity to speak to one of the E Street Radio DJs and know that my voice was being broadcast to legions of other faithful Bruce fans was a thrill. After hours of anticipation, it was all over in a matter of seconds. If it hadn't been for the show replay two days later, I wouldn't have even been sure it really happened. But it did. And I used my iPhone to record my fleeting moment on the airwaves. I took the opportunity on air to dedicate the song "Happy" to my wife, Lisa. Nearly two years ago, "Happy" was our first dance at our wedding and while this Valentine's Day post isn't of the same caliber as her guest post last year, I hope that it does the memory justice.

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