Friday, October 25, 2013

Guest Post - JD & The Straight Shot cover "Pink Cadillac"

This post was written by Keith Stone, writer and editor of the blog Rainman Suite, the home of my own Atlantic City Diaries.  A die-hard Knicks fan, he discovered James Dolan's cover of Bruce's "Pink Cadillac" a couple weeks ago, and was inspired to write a post.  Take it away, sir!

In 1983, Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen recorded “Pink Cadillac” while a young musician named JD decided to put his rock star dreams on hold and take a greater interest in his father’s cable company. Well, fate has an interesting way of working out and 30 years later JD is Jim Dolan, the billionaire CEO of Cablevision and Madison Square Garden.

The funny thing is, when you’re a billionaire, you can do whatever you want: race yachts professionally, trade your legendary Hall of Fame-bound center for Glen Rice, or create your own classic rock-infused blues band filled with employees of companies that you run and tour with the Allman Brothers.

In honor of the upcoming NBA season and considering that the New York Knickerbockers are the closest team playing to New Jersey, here is JD & the Straight Shot performing their rendition of “Pink Cadillac.” Unfortunately, JD is not wearing his trademark fedora, but you can still hear the heartbreak and passion in his grizzled Southern accent that one can only get by growing up in a mansion on Long Island.

While to the casual eye the luxurious Oyster Bay house he converted into a recording studio is a far cry from the Stone Pony, a keen observer can spot notable similarities between JD and Bruce. For one, they are both bosses who have spent considerable time ordering around big men and tambourine-playing women. Secondly, they both gesticulate wildly while performing. However, while Bruce moves around the stage with the excitement of a child who just received a Nintendo for Christmas, Mr. Dolan is more like a diabetes patient who forgot to take his insulin.

Who knows how many takes it took to produce such a spontaneous looking music video? When the Cablevision helicopter is at your disposal, you can jam long into the night. Between JD reading the lyrics from a sheet of paper just off camera to the rest of the band awkwardly looking like they’re in the worst episode of The Office ever, it’s a disgrace this wasn't nominated for a VMA. Just make sure to look like you’re having fun when the red light is on, young guy in the Straight Shot. Otherwise, your check may not clear.

[Important note for law enforcement: I checked for shackles on the one guy in the glasses but it’s possible they were edited out in postproduction. He did not look like he was there by will. Just to be sure, is it possible to file a missing persons report?]

The important takeaway from the JD&TSS cover of “Pink Cadillac” is that dreams do come true (if your dad co-founded HBO). It doesn't matter if JD doesn't realize that Bruce wasn't actually referring to a car. Look at that huge smile on his face. With that said, musically it’s not bad. And therein lies every Knicks fan’s hope: that somehow JD can accidentally put together a winning team like the Straight Shot. Enjoy the video and enjoy the 2013-2014 NBA season.

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