Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Springsteen Coasters!

It's a little early to do another holiday gift guide for this year, but once you see what I recently received, you'll understand why I had to share (and slightly brag) in late October.  Given to me by infrequent blog contributor and creator of the creator of the blog - my mom - we have a set of four Bruce Springsteen coasters!

Each coaster is adorned with an iconic Springsteen album cover, starting with his debut album and ending with 1984's Born In The USA.  While one may complain about the omission of Darkness On The Edge of Town, I'd counter by saying your complaining over something so trivial is why we can't have nice things.

While I've broken down these albums in every conceivable way, let's rethink the way we see these albums.  And, by that, I mean: what types of beverages would these albums best support?

Greetings From Asbury Park: With this postcard picture, I can't help but think of summer vacations.  Therefore, a summer-y drink is the clear choice for this coaster.  Putting hot cocoa on this coaster would be a grave sin.

Recommended Drinks: Lemonade, Margaritas, Bud Light Lime, Anything That Has An Umbrella In It 


Born To Run: This is the piece-de-resistance of the coaster set.  You aren't going to just put any old drink on this; it has to be a SPECIAL drink.  This is the coaster you bust out when the pope comes to town.

Recommended Drinks: Fancy Wine, Fancy Beer, Fancy Whiskey, That Bottle Of Champagne You've Been Saving To Open When The Mets Win The World Series

The River: Boy, Bruce does not look good on this cover, and the coaster adds to his misery by punching a hole right through his nose.   This is the coaster you use after a long night of partying.  Put your hangover cure on this coaster, and every time you lift your drink up, you see Bruce staring back at you, with no judgement in his eyes.  He's been there, man.

Recommended Drinks: Water, Diet Coke, Smoothies, Hair Of The Dog

Born In The USA: Don't be distracted by that awkwardly placed hole.  This is a pure-American coaster, and the drinks it supports will encapsulate the country - freedom, freedom, eagles, baseball, and freedom.

Recommended Drinks: Cheap American Beer, Whole Milk

Unfortunately, it appears this particular set of coasters is difficult to find for sale on the Internet, so I apologize if I got you excited for nothing.  However, googling "Bruce Springsteen Coaster" does bring up other coaster options (as well as lyrics for "Spirit In The Night").  So, if you know a Springsteen fan with rings on his coffee table, consider your Christmas shopping done early.

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