Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Great Moments In Springsteen Comic Book History - Band For Life

Happy 2017 everybody!  Hopefully, your hangover is just about finished, and we here at Legends of Springsteen look forward to our FIFTH year of bringing you the strangest and obscure Springsteen articles on the Internets.  Today's entry comes from Anya Davidson's Band For Life, a graphic novel about the trials and tribulations of a struggling young experimental rock band.

In this small part of the story, the characters are retelling how they met to become a band, and take a pause at a point where they got stuck in an elevator.  How did they get out?  Why, a Bruce Springsteen cover band heard them, probably thought they were requesting them to play "Trapped", and came to the rescue.  This act of heroism turns the lead singer into from Springsteen hater to Springsteen lover!  As someone who has been stuck in an elevator before, let me tell you that it's no picnic, and you'll be forever grateful to your rescuers.

Band For Life has made several "Best Graphic Novels of 2016" lists, but, personally, I'd be hesitant to recommend it, as the dialogue can be a bit dense and corny, and the artwork is too chunky for my tastses.  However, it tells a unique story with many characters that get surprisingly fleshed out in under 300 pages.  It's definitely something for the graphic novel reader with discriminating tastes, but might be too challenging for a newcomer to the comics world.

But, still, they referenced Springsteen! Happy 2017!

(And, yes, this is what I've been reading instead of Born To Run, I'm a terrible Springsteen fan.  I assure you I will finish that very soon!)

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