Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Video Spotlight - Bruce's Story of Meeting Clarence

If you are familiar with Bruce Springsteen's live shows, and I hope to God you are, you know that Bruce will burst out a long, rambling personal story or two (or three).  Usually, these precede classic songs, but whenever you hear the opening notes of "Growing Up", you know you that after about two minutes in, you are in for a crazy tale that sounds straight out of American folklore.  These outlandish accounts always are punctuated by Clarence's roaring saxophone part that closes out the final minute of the song.  This particular version from 1985 is probably the longest and most elaborate of Springsteen's myths, involving props, coordinated pantomimes, and additional actors in outrageous costumes.  It runs over ten minutes, and is worth stick around through (if you make it to the very end, you can hear the opening notes of another Springsteen classic).  We often spotlight Bruce's humor on this blog, and this strange tale of bears and gypsies is a worth addition to Bruce's comedy reel.

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